Long ago in Jamaa, before Zios was created, even before plants and animals roamed the open world of Jamaa, there was only a large land of overgrown woods. The only animals that inhabited the woods were bunnies, wolves, foxes, and raccoons. One of the bunnies' names was Little. Little was very shy, and barely said a word to anyone. She would live alone in small burrows along the trees. Little also carried around a journal. It was her father's, and he told her to keep it safe. Months after she got the journal, Little realized it never ran out of pages. So she would write about basically anything, from what she ate that day to what the weather was like. Years later, when the journal was very thick, and very heavy, Little placed the journal in a ledge of her burrow, which is now the Flag Shop. In that same year, Zios was created, and Jamaa improved. There were lands and meadows, and the once empty Sarepia Forest was turning into a place where clans would act, and Jamaa wasn't improving. It was getting worse. Little hid in her burrow for the rest of her time, or at least everyone thinks. Soon, the alpha's found Little's old journal, and started writing in it. Harper wrote stories of courage, Greely wrote about magic tricks, Cosmo wrote the best herbs to use for medicines, and Peck would sketch drawings of the forest. The journal still lies in Little's burrow, and still hasn't run out of pages.
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