Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Chamber of Knowledge

Graham was given a land full of wonder, the Lost Temple of Zios. Here's a little bit on one of the Chambers in this Temple.....

On the first floor, Graham put little trinkets of his - candles, books, pottery, and a few torches. There, he would relax after long days in Jamaa by reading a book, making clay pots, or building something new in the Chamber of Knowledge.  On the second floor, he knit a rug of zios, added some games for fellow jammers to play, and many other things. One of these "other things" was a preserved phantom. The phantom was the very first found in Jamaa, and it was defeated. Graham preserved its remains, and it now lies in the Chambers. Another was a set of arrows that went to a bow. No one knows the mystery of these strange bows, which also lie in the Hot Cocoa Hut. Maybe they were used in the first war against the phantoms, or maybe they were just decorations crafted by Graham. On the very top floor, there's a shop where jammers can buy items such as alpha statues and wishing wells, and some telescopes pointing at a window that shows many, many stars. Could these stars be a whole Jamaasian Galexy? Only one way to find out...

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